
Care-free travelling

For people who carry a lot with them in their daily lives.

returnthis works everywhere and worldwide. It’s a great moment when you’re in the great outdoors and someone has found your lost equipment. It will put a returnthis smile on your face.

Berge reisen Mann Kopie
Berge reisen Mann Kopie

On vacation

For example, you’re at the beach and you’ve left your backpack on the bus. You will soon receive a notification that a finder wants to return your lost item to you. Therefore, you can optionally set a reward for the finder and change it at any time.

Strand Reisen Kopie
Strand Reisen Kopie

Understood everywhere

Even in distant, exotic countries, all your items are well protected. returnthis has been designed to be understood across all cultures and languages and to work with any smartphone. All messages are anonymous and are securely transmitted through returnthis.

Indien reisen frau Kopie
Indien reisen frau Kopie


The content is currently available in both German and English. The English content, in particular, is helpful during your travels.
For your personal greeting message about the item, you should write it in the local language of your travel destination or in English while you’re traveling. (see image)

Neu sprache
Neu sprache

You can secure so much

With returnthis, your belongings and travel gear are reliably secured. A finder only needs to scan your pin sticker to contact you. All identities remain anonymous, and messages are securely transmitted through returnthis. There are several pin sticker colors available.

Reise Objekte Kopie2
Reise Objekte Kopie2

Here you can see how the three standard colors look and feel: